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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Brandeis tennis victorious for fourth straight time

Published: April 13, 2007
Section: Sports

While many Brandeis students went home over break, the mens and womens tennis teams had a long week of competitions. The men most recently competed against Salve Regina, taking the day in a close 5-to-4 exhibition. The women also had matches over break and competed against UAA rival Case Western University. The team played well, beating Case 5-0. These victories top a long list of wins,
These victories add to the string of wins that these teams have been having and improves their rankings considerably.

On April 9th, the mens tennis team traveled down to Newport, RI to compete against Salve Regina University. The men were in the hole early in the day as they were trailing their opponents 2-1 in doubles action. The Judges were later able to rally, winning 4 out of 6 singles matches and eventually taking the day for Brandeis. Several individuals stood out for their performances this past Monday. Adam Sher 07 was able to claim second singles while teammate Jordan Bieber 07 placed third in singles competition. The pairing of Sam Jonas '07 and Mike Vulfovich '07 were able to capture Brandeis only doubles points to distinguish themselves.

The women experienced similar success as they took on Case Western on April 1. This competition was no April fools, as the women were able to dominate their opponents with an undefeated record of 5 and 0. This puts the women at 2 wins and one loss in UAA action, and considerably helps their rank. Colleen Donnelly '08 and teammate Rachael Barr 10 were responsible for scoring two points each for the Judges. Barr, in fact, only lost one game all day and similar performance could be found all around. This is the fourth straight win for the womens tennis team and put their rank up to six wins and five loses.

The breaks performances also included an number of other competitions as well.The women were able to defeat their UAA opponents, the University of Rochester 5 to 1 on Saturday March 31st. The men were also able to beat their UAA rivals Case Western and the University of Rochester that weekend, but lost against Trinity the following week. Both teams still have a tough schedule ahead before competing at the UAA championships in Cleavland at the end of the month. Although the teams may not have had much of a break this past week, they did have a gas petal which will accelerate them into championship matches later on in the season.