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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Never a time so sweet

Published: April 27, 2007
Section: Arts, Etc.

Well, friends, this is it. Its been a good run, but Horseradish now signs off for good. Before this school year even started, I had wondered many times how I would feel writing my last piece, and just what I would want to say to you when this occasion finally came. Let me assure you that, even after three prolific years of writing columns for The Hoot, I am very much at a loss for words. I hope the following will suffice.

First off, and with deepest sincerity to everyone, thank-you. Thank-you for reading my columns as I found that voice within me that had gone hidden for so long and finally emerged to tell its stories. I hope you have found my words of some value. Writing for you has been a great honor and privilege.

Every week, whether I reported on a campus cultural event or some bit of world history, whether it was poetry, satire, or biography, one thing was always the same: There was something about me in all of them, and hopefully, a little bit about you as well. I hope you saw it.

For those among you who became my friends in my three years at Brandeis, you are more of a treasure to me than I can make you understand. For the ones who misunderstood me and disliked me, or just found a quirky, older grad student too far outside their comfort zone: I did my best to get to know you, but it wasnt meant to be. I wish you well just the same.

I know this has gotten me into trouble before, but special thanks are in order to a few people. I hope it doesnt come off sounding like an Academy Award speech, because I mean this with sincerest gratitude and humility. You can be offended as you might;

I make no apologies here:

Deepest thanks are in order to Dr. Neil Simister (Biology) for your understanding and patience;

to Dr. Ellen Kellman (Yiddish) for showing me an entire new world;

to Anne Lawrence (NEJS) who always had time to talk and listen;

to Dr. Dan Perlman (Biology) whose love of teaching is unequalled;

to Rabbi Allan Lehmann who will be dearly missed (remember our talk about the meaning of the Days of Awe last year on the hill next to Louis Brandeis? Talk about honorable company!);

to Dean Alwina Bennett for your kindness;

and to Monique Gnanaratnam, Director of the ICC, for seeing the gifts in everyone. Finally, to Dean Jamele Adams: You are my hero and a giant among men, and you alone know why. And yes, thanks of course to The Brandeis Hoot, which happens to be looking for a few good columnists ;


Despite the hardships Ive had in these three years, truly never have I known a time so sweet. But I must go now.

I love you, Brandeis people! Have a safe and wonderful summer. Maybe Ill see you again on some beautiful day, either in this world or in timeless Hereafter. Until then, may God bless you and keep you safe and well.

Careful with the Horseradish;

its hot.

With deepest love,
Michael Reade Sitzman 07