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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Hang ten with the ‘Deis surfing club

Published: November 9, 2007
Section: Sports

To continue our look at the less conventional yet interesting sport clubs, we turn our attention this week to the Surfing Club. According to the club description, the group is committed to the exploration and enjoyment of the sport of surfing. Now come on, who hasnt imagined surfing the beautiful waters of Hawaii? Who hasnt wondered, at least once, what it would be like to simply ride a wave, to connect with the water without having to intentionally dive in? The Surfing Club, while perhaps unable to make a dream trip to Honolulu come true, does offer a unique experience in learning the art of surfing – an experience full of information, fun, and an ocean full of memories.

When the Surfing Club was first established a few years ago, the group was relatively small and fairly inactive. Time, however, shows how things can change. This year, with a goal of attracting as many students as possible, the club boasts around sixty-five dedicated members. Meetings are generally held once or twice a month, in the Shapiro Campus Atrium TV lounge. However, if there are more opportunities to surf or an event is in the works, more meetings are held.

The goal of the club, in the words of its president, Alex Blutinger 10, is simple: This club is for people to develop an appreciation for the sport of surfing. Most people don't even know that surfing exists up North, even though some of best surf in the country happens up here. It is one of the most esoteric sports that exists today and we really want people to experience the incredible, indescribable feeling of surfing. For him, surfing must not only be experienced first-hand in order to truly appreciate the sensation, but serves a dual purpose of allowing a broad range of people to gain an appreciation for the ocean. An indescribable feeling? An opportunity to see the ocean in all its glory? Now, that sounds appealing.

And for those who believe they simply cannot surf, that learning is just too difficult? Think again. The club tries to dispel the common misconceptions of people who think that they are incapable of surfing.

Most people, according to Blutinger, learn how to surf the first time they try. That is what's so great about the sport;

once you've stood up on a wave, you have accomplished the hardest part of the sport. With the right size board, proper instruction, and manageable wave, anyone and everyone can surf. The club already took its first trip of the year, which was a success;

in fact, everyone who wanted to surf managed to stand up by the end of the day. While, the water in the Northeast is, to say the least, chilly, wetsuits work very well and, once you actually start surfing, you tend to forget about the water temperature.

With more trips planned for the future, anyone is still welcome to join and try surfing. After all, the next time you are watching a movie or television show and see someone surfing, you will actually be able to say, hey, I did that.