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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Game-on’s inventory stolen

Published: August 31, 2007
Section: News

The universitys student-run board game club Game On returned from the summer vacation to find much of its inventory stolen, club administrators said. The club suffered between $85approximately eighty-five percent of its Spring 2007 budgetin losses.

Game On President Daniel Baronofsky 09 said that when he returned to the Shapiro Campus Center on Wednesday, I walked in, and found our storage closet unlocked. I opened it upId say about half the games were gone.

Baronofsky added that while he did not yet have a full tally of what had gone missing, he knew that at least four of our most popular games are gone.

According to Baronofsky, the last time he accessed his clubs storage closet was when he moved out the previous semester. As far as I know, I have the only key that was given to the public, he said. I had the only key, other than what the Union might have.

Baronofsky also expressed his frustration at the clubs predicament. I just hope that F-Board give us enough funds to get those games back.

Evening Operations Manager in the Department of Student Activities Mark Metiever told the Hoot that he had only just heard of the theft Thursday morning, and suggested to Daniel to speak with Public Safety and file a report. While the Department of Public Safety could not be reached before this publication, Baronofsky said that he was told that Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan “suggested to Mark Metevier to change the locks of the lockers in Shapiro.”

Club members were distraught by the theft. Adam Jacobsen 09, who regularly attends Game Ons weekly meetings, said its terrible, because it was a weekly ritual that we had, and now we cant do that anymore. He asked that whoever was responsible for the theft to just give the games back.

Baronofsky added that I hope the Union can figure out what happened, because theyre the only ones who had keys. He did not dismiss the possibility that the theft might be due to Union error: Even if they went in to use club property, if they left it unlocked, its very irresponsible.

Student Union Secretary Michael Goldman 08 said that the Student Union takes this report extremely seriously. The security of campus organizations is among our top priorities. If needed, we are willing to provide all due aid to campus authorities and Game On in investigating and rectifying this situation.

He also added that if anyone knew of any leads toward the recovery of the games, to contact him or the Department of Public Safety. Our locker was packed to the gills, and now its half-empty, Baronofsky stated.