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Changes follow Einstein Inspection

Published: May 2, 2008
Section: Front Page

A supposed failed inspection of Einstein Bros. Bagels has caused the coffee and bagel shop to make several behind the counter changes. The changes, that may go unnoticed by most customers, have drawn complaints from employees.

All Einstein employees were sent an e-mail on April 25 from manager George Kallis stating, “Effective Monday, April 28th, all workers must be wearing black pants or khakis. Einstein bagel wants this rule enforced. There will be no exceptions. Anyone in jeans or other pants cannot work.”

Other new rules that Einstein employees must now follow include neatly displaying bagels, new scoopers to use for the spreads, and no eating behind the counter. Employees have also been told to be more friendly and polite to customers.

Kallis dismissed any effects of the change. “This is still the same Einstein’s,” remarked Kallis.

When pressed about the rumor of a failed inspection, he commented, “[the inspectors] just wanted some small changes. See the order the coffee is lined up – it’s in the right order now.” He would not comment further about any more details of the inspection.

While the changes will not significantly affect the average student, Einstein’s employees have been critical of the changes.

“I don’t like it at all,” said Cecelia Watkins ’11, who has worked at Einstein’s since the fall. “I think it’s absurd because wearing black pants won’t sell any more bagels. College students don’t care about that.”

Elise Diamond ’09 echoed the Watkins’ complaints saying, “it’s inconvenient to wear black pants, because I have to wear them the rest of the day [but] I don’t have time to go home and change.”

Diamond is part of a small group of students who have started an informal petition asking for a raise due to the new policies. “I only work here eight hours a week, so it’s a very small part time job. I’m a student first. I did not come to Brandeis to work at Einstein’s,” said Diamond.

When asked about the changes to Einstein’s, Director of Dining Services Michael Newmark responded in an e-mail message, “There are no changes.”

However, in response to an e-mail that included the aforementioned changes, Newmark would not comment further on a possible failed inspection. However, he wrote, “We conduct our own internal audits on all Dining operations and in addition EBB conducts audits of their locations. Any national brand maintains their high standards regardless of what location it may operate in. This is important to create quality and consistency from one location to the next.”

Although the changes aim to create a consistency between the Brandeis Einstein’s and other locations, Watkins voiced that because of the college environment, policies, such as wearing the black pants, should not apply equally.

“Customer’s can’t even see below our waists,” said Watkins.

Employees have stated that they feel a change in atmosphere now that new standards are being enforced.