What’s going on at Brandeis?
The Hoot
The Brandeis Hoot
January 30, 2009
Just Arts:
Friday to Saturday, Jan. 30-31. Dreitzer Gallery, Spingold

Photo courtesy of Leslie Chiu.
Celebrate the arts! Go see Brandeis’s first Faculty and Staff exhibition. View paintings, glass works and pictures by members of the community.
Come see art:
Friday, Jan. 30, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Shapiro Campus Center

Photo courtesy of Brian Friedberg.
Upset about the Trustees’ recent decision? See pictures of the Rose’s collection and engage in a discussion about the impact of the closing on Brandeis’s fine arts.
Combating Hate:
Saturday, Jan. 31, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Levin Ballroom

Photo courtesy of event website.
Now’s your chance to bid for your own personal chaffeur. Or, do you like Thai food? Place a bid on a cooking lesson. There will be a raffle and refreshments.
Rose Art Museum:
Friday, Jan. 30-32, 12 to 5 p.m.

Photo courtesy of Francesca DiMattio.
Enjoy the Rose while it’s still open. Check out “Master of Reality” featuring New York artists, “Saints and Sinners” which includes pieces from the Rose’s permanent collection or “Hans Hofmann: Circa 1950.” Free.