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Emily Suda




  • Archives by Author

    Emily Suda

    German-Jewish Dialogue event examines role of WWII marketing

    On Monday, Oct. 23, the German-Jewish Dialogue at Brandeis hosted visiting speaker Ulrike Dittrich. The event, entitled “Concentration Camp Souvenirs: Pieces of Memory or Objects of Commercial Mass Production?,” was based upon Dittrichs Ph.D. thesis project “Concentration Camp and Holocaust Keepsakes objects of memory in everyday life: semiotic narratives in the scope of holocaust site tourism and event culture.”

    Trustees elect five newest members

    According to the Brandeis Department of Media Relations, the Brandeis Board of Trustees elected 5 new members: Morton Ginsberg 56, Vartan Gregorian, Jonathon S. Jacobson, Dorothy Pierce and John Usdan.

    Student Events talks to The Hoot

    Student Events (SE) is the umbrella group that puts on many well-known events such as theme weeks and concerts that occur each semester. The department of Special Events is in charge of organizing Louis Louis, the annual autumn theme week, as well as the complementary spring theme week known as Bronstein, which will begin April 2006.

    Father Michael to Leave Deis

    Father David Michael, the Catholic priest at Brandeis, will leave the University this semester in order to serve in a nearby community.

    Union recognizes rabbinical training club

    The Rabbis in Training club (RabbIT) was recently recognized by the Student Union. Samantha Saltzman 06 began the club in order to unite those interested in rabbinical careers and to serve as a place for those students to learn more about different aspects of being a rabbi and to have discussions. Saltzman decided to begin […]

    Villanueva Named New Dean of Admissions

    The search for the new undergraduate Dean of Admissions has finally come to an end Tuesday, Sept. 27. In an email to the Brandeis community, Senior Vice President of Students and Enrollment Jean Eddy announced that Gil Villanueva will fill this position.

    Brandeis prepares for accreditation process

    Brandeis is currently in the process of re-accreditation. In order to assess each institution based on its own progress and in comparison to other institutes of higher education, assure the public of quality and give institutions a chance to self assess and improve, re-accreditation is conducted by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) every ten years.

    STAND raises Darfur genocide awareness on campus

    Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND) was chartered two weeks ago (on Sept 6) and is one of the most active clubs on campus, with upwards of 400 people on their list serve. STAND (which has 85 chapters nation wide) is a national, college based and run organization dedicated to raising awareness and taking action against the atrocities currently taking place in the Darfur region of Sudan.