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Tatiana Ivan




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    Tatiana Ivan

    FICTION: Beads Part 7: Morocco

    Sunlight flooded the room through the open window. A chilly spring breeze blew in, fluttering the curtains and several open folders on the desk. A half-packed suitcase lay open on the bed, amidst neatly folded clothing and other miscellaneous trinkets.

    FICTION: Beads Part 6: 'Reveal'

    Ophelia sat numbly at the desk. Her hand rested on a piece of paper. They didnt know how couldnt they know why didnt they know about me? she asked, her voice small, distant. She fingered the writing, reading the words aloud as if they would reveal the answer she sought.

    FICTION: Beads Part 5: "Fear"

    She woke with a start. Her body felt heavy, weighing down on the mattress. She could hear someone shuffling around her, but she imagined it would take too much effort to open her eyes. Then, the person stopped moving.

    FICTION: Beads Part 4: Truck

    Do you want me to drive? he asked, wiping away the last of the snow off the windshield. She waved him away from the door.


    This is part three in a series of fiction columns.

    FICTION: Beads: Suitcase

    This is part two in a series of fiction columns.

    FICTION: Beads

    Part 1 in a series of fiction columns.