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The Brandeis Hoot




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    The Brandeis Hoot

    Eliana’s Advice: Help with odors

    Dear Eliana, When I got back to my room after the break, I discovered an unsettling smell. Imagine the corresponding smell to an absolutely terrible audition, and that’s what I have to try to sleep in. I figured I left some food somewhere that had gone bad, but after looking everywhere in my room, I […]

    Allies enhance Brandeis experience

    This week’s edition of The Brandeis Hoot features two news articles about two different trusted campus allies, one leaving his duties on campus and the other returning. As most of the Brandeis community knows by now, Father Walter Cuenin will no longer serve as Brandeis’ Catholic chaplain due to health reasons, and Sheila McMahon will […]

    Violence should not limit speech

    We live in a troubled time, there’s no doubt about that. We find ourselves the targets of terror, a terror the United States and other nations have been facing for a few decades now. The most recent attacks on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and the ensuing terror spree that followed, along with the recent […]

    Dress to succeed

    Imagine yourself in a professional outfit: collared shirt, slacks and blazer. Now imagine you’re at a room full of other college students dressed like that, say at a career and internship fair. Employers stand behind a table, and they know exactly why all these young adults are dressed so well. They know what they have […]

    Professors need to respect student vacations

    Vacation. A rarity for college students, the vacation lasts for three or so weeks between fall and spring semesters and three months over the summer. After college, the prolonged vacation becomes even rarer than a $3 bill or even finding Santa on Christmas Eve. It is supposed to be a time to recharge, relax and […]

    Univ. needs to provide more time to reacclimate to student life

    As the ball dropped in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, and the calendar moved from December into January, I realized that I had to be back at college in less than two weeks. Feeling like I only got home a week prior, I was certainly not looking forward to having to head back to […]

    Meditation offers healthy outlets for students

    In May of 2014, the faculty, student and staff meditation series began as a routine way for Brandeis students to satisfy their interest in meditation alongside other members of the community. A few staff members who took an interest in the activity created the series and thought that others would appreciate the opportunity and would […]

    Brandeis senior cheers as member of Rev Girls

    Like many students at Brandeis, Jennifer Swain’s ’15 precious free time is divided between obligations that demand nearly as much commitment and time as academics. Swain spends her time outside of the classroom as a member of the New England Revolution soccer team’s Rev Girls. Far more than a soccer cheer squad, this all-female promotional […]

    Women’s Basketball dominates against Johnson and Wales

    Carrying the momentum of the two-game winning streak and a 5-1 record, the women’s basketball team went back into action on Saturday, Dec. 6, dominating against Johnson & Wales University with a 73-56 win. The Judges led the whole game, with 10 of 11 players seeing the court scoring points. Their record improved 6-1, their […]

    Univ. should do more to integrate midyear class

    As we stream back to Brandeis this winter, happy with memories of home, life is breathed back into our lovely campus. For almost a month now, Brandeis students have been enjoying family meals, fun vacations or simply the relaxation of having nothing to prepare for or worry about. Well, most of us. The beginning of […]