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Vanessa Anik




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    Vanessa Anik

    Student Life staffers husband serving in Iraq

    The Office of Student Life created a new position this year for Orientation and First Year programs. Many people applied to the job, but luckily, according to everyone who interacts with her, Brandeis hired Michelle OMalley for the position. One may have seen Michelle around campus, already busily planning Orientation 2005 with the new Core Committee. She is a petite, blonde-haired, ever-smiling woman with a full schedule. Her husband, Tim, has been serving in Iraq since March and is scheduled to return at the end of this month.

    Republicans, peace activists share bus to D.C.

    The day Bush was re-elected as president of the United States some people cheered, some people cried, and others were merely apathetic to the entire election. On that day, the Brandeis Republicans began planning a trip to watch the inauguration. So did the Brandeis Students for Peace. About a month ago, the two groups decided to cut costs and share a bus to and from DC.