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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

January 2005 Issue

EDITORIAL: Res. Life needs to re-evaluate its priorities

After numerous focus groups and feedback sessions sponsored by the Department of Residence Life two years ago, that office took the bold step (their words) of dramatically altering the services they provide to students: they changed the title Resident Advisor to Community Advisor. This change was meant to counteract negative images of RAs and to make clear the Brandeis vision of an RA, which is to be interested in student welfare, peer counseling, academic success, community involvement and transition to our dynamic living environment.

Mixed reaction to new Brandeis web site

A new design for the official Brandeis website was launched on Dec. 17, 2004. The new layout, by Design Director Charles Dunham and student employee Daniel Silverman, was made in conjunction with a committee established by Senior Vice-President of Communications Lorna Miles Whalen.

This Week at Brandeis

Click here to download a PDF version of our “This Week at Brandeis” preview page.

New Hiatt director appointed

Martin Ford was hired last October as new director of the Hiatt Career Center. Previously, he was Dean of Cooperative Education and Career Services at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Former Hiatt director of fifteen years Meryl Glatt-Rader left abruptly last year under unclear circumstances.

Second ever mid-year class moves into North

The second ever mid-year class moved into North Quad on Sunday making this the first mid-year class to be housed entirely in one Quad. Schefferes, which was closed for renovation during the spring semester, is housing solely mid-years and contains more than half of the mid-year class.

Musings on a 'quirky' family

After nearly four months of fall semesters academic grind, most of us plowed through finals in mid-December and slid into winter break with just enough energy to make it home, up the stairs, and into bed, where we most likely stayed for some inordinate length of time. Vacation is the opportunity to do all of those normal things that we forget about while were at school. We eat at that one local burrito place that all towns inevitably have, the one where the food is incredibly cheap and good.

Students have options to voice curriculum concerns

On Dec. 9 students had an opportunity to voice their opinions regarding the proposed curriculum changes. The forum was designed to give students the opportunity to learn more about the arts and sciences planning process and to express their concerns about it. Hundreds of people were in attendance. Other than that and an appearance by Dean of Arts and Sciences Adam Jaffe in front of the Union Senate, there have been no official opportunities for student to have their voices heard regarding the proposed curriculum changes.

Operation Student Shield misdirected

The tragic and disheartening events following this falls improbable, seemingly impossible, Red Sox championship have left many in our community searching for an appropriate scapegoat. Some quickly blamed the bedlam, injuries, and unfortunate fatality on the anxious policemen in the street that night, while others turned to those who peddled alcohol to unruly fans late into the evening. The most rational amongst these pundits, though, turned their attention straight to those fans that poured into the street, pulled down lampposts, and set fires throughout the city.

Seinfeld DVD success proves show still on top

With natural disasters, murder trials, and election analysis taking center stage in the news during the last two months, at least one very important and historic event has gone almost entirely unreported. The first three seasons of Seinfeld is available on DVD for the time.

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter may speak on campus

Ann Coulter, a controversial conservative political pundit, may be visiting Brandeis to speak to students in early April. The event, scheduled to take place on April 7, is being organized by the Brandeis Republican Club. So far they have received $5,000 of the $28,000 necessary to pay Coulters speaking fee and compensate her for personal expenses in coming to Brandeis.