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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

March 2005 Issue

Marx in Soho, Zinn at Brandeis

Marx in Soho, a one-man show written by prominent historian and political scientist Howard Zinn, was performed on campus Thursday, Mar. 3.

BTV vies for almost 150% budget increase

Brandeis Television (BTV), a Secured media organization, has announced plans to put forth a constitutional amendment that, if passed, would more than double their guaranteed yearly Student Activities Fee allocation.

NEWS RELEASE: Simmons departure announced after months of keeping it secret

Andrew Andy Simmons, Assistant Dean, 05 and 06/Coordinator of Premedical Programs has resigned from his position to serve as Associate Dean, Health Professions Advisor at Brown University.

Two injured in accident

BEMCo is seen here on the scene of an accident along the Peripheral Road near Admissions Monday. Sources who asked to remain anonymous told The Hoot that an elderly gentleman was driving towards the campus exit when his car failed to stop and swerved left, hitting several students and a traffic sign.

PEPOSE: Brandeis has the social life, what we lack is a P.R. firm

Im going to start this article with a disclaimer: I really do like Brandeis. I think it is a great school, better than a lot of people give it credit for. Now thats about it for the butt-kissing.

EVANS: A 'Farewell' to Stephen Heyman

The word farewell must go in quotations because the column written by Justice Senior Editor Stephen Heyman 06 was far from an actual farewell and instead was used as a way to have a final bashing of the Brandeis Black Students Organization (BBSO), myself and former BBSO President Justin Moore04. The Justice Incident was not an imitation Ford Hall. It was an unfortunate occurrence that was sparked by an offensive and inflammatory article, which members of the Justice Editorial Board tried so rigorously to disown as theirs.

FRC: NEJS cuts need more study

The FRC recommended for the elimination of 2 FTEs in NEJS. However, they cautioned against eliminating other positions due to a lack of understanding of how the newly created Crown Center for Middle East Studies fits in with NEJS.

FRC:Physics cuts unwise

The FRC stated that Jaffes proposal to close down an important research focus [high energy physics] by eliminating 4 FTEs in Physics is unwise. The FRC talked at length about the research programs current benefits and the contributions Physics has made to Brandeis over the years, including at one point being the biggest department on campus.

FRC: Dont cut music PhD yet

The FRC recommended against eliminating the PhD program in Music at this time. They noted that the timing of this proposal was significant because the latest changes in Creative Arts at Brandeis, including the reformulation of the Theater Arts Department, may point to a veritable renaissance in the Arts at Brandeis.

FRC: Dont cut ancient Greek

The FRC strongly recommended against Jaffes proposal to eliminate the teaching of ancient Greek. The elimination of Greek would have profoundly negative consequences on the viability of the programs in the Department of Classical Studies and on studies in interconnected areas, the FRC wrote.