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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

March 2005 Issue

FARBER: Beware of the Mugwort

A grammatician can be defined as someone who knows a lot about grammatics, and the intricacies of their function within the English language. An ignoramus, though, is someone who knows a lot about ignoring stuff, but knows nothing about grammatics. It would seem to the uninitiated that to combine the fields of grammatics and ignoramocity would be paradoxical, and indeed it is, but I am both anyway. I am also a philosophy major, which means I know a lot about the science of argument validity and contradiction.

LETTER: It was wrong to print a confidential Senate email

On Feb. 11, 2005, The Hoot elected to publish verbatim a confidential email sent by Noah Haber 08, Class of 2008 Senator, to the Student Union Senate email list without comment, context or further background. The email addressed a suggestion to reevaluate the position of Finance Board Member for Racial Minority Students. Such an action would require an amendment to the Student Union Constitution, which in turn would require the support of the student body.

EDITORIAL: Open government is fundemental in discussions affecting students

Last week in these pages we reproduced an unedited e-mail from a Student Union senator to the rest of the Senate, sent on that bodys private mailing list. In the e-mail, Noah Haber 08 noted that he had just stumbled across mention of the position of Finance Board Member for Racial Minority Students and found the position, ridiculous. He said he was adding the removal of this position to his Senate reform proposals.

Republicans cancel Coulter event

The Republican Clubs plans to bring political pundit Ann Coulter to speak on campus later this semester have been cancelled, according to Finance Board records. On Feb. 16 the club returned the $5,000 granted by F-Board for the event.

After circuitous journey, Mock Trial obtains funds necessary to compete

Brandeis Universitys Mock Trial team this week secured the necessary funding to attend a national competition in Florida. The needed $4,000 came from four different sources, including the Student Union, the University Retention Fund and from an outside donation. The teams ability to attend the trip was in doubt two week ago due to ongoing concerns about a lack of funding.

Schlangel appoints task force to examine Union operations

A new task force dubbed AMP, standing for, a more perfect…, has been formed to conduct a review of the Student Union, according to President Mark Schlangel 05. Former Union Secretary Danny Silverman 05 has been tapped to chair the committee, which is tasked with conducting a top-to-bottom review of the entire Union structure, including student government, secured organizations, and campus clubs.