Dear Editor,
In the 10/16 issue of The Hoot, both the opinion and news sections managed to egregiously violate journalistic ethics in order to provide an outlet for personal insults. First, in the article “Free Theatre Cooperative denied charter” by David Pepose, a student was quoted anonymously as saying, “Free Play casts themselves as the saviors of theatre, when in reality it's just a purely egotistical and selfish gesture. I believe this is just some people just padding their resume, trying to take advantage of the Brandeis system.” The fact that a student was granted anonymity merely to insult the creators of the FPTC (which I have no affiliation with) is abhorrent. Standard journalistic ethics support the decision to grant anonymity if harm may befall the source if their identity is revealed or future sources may be dissuaded from providing information out of fear of castigation or retaliation. In this case, I highly doubt that there was any credible evidence that members of the FPTC were likely to physically harm or take revenge against this person, yet there is every reason to believe they would take offense to the statement. Especially considering the quote did not provide any new information (the only reason for anonymous sourcing) and was merely opinion, the anonymity served solely to allow a student to slander the FPTC publicly not typically the goal of news stories.