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Archive for 2006

Brandeis U: Jew U?

When I first told people that I had been accepted to Brandeis, I got many reactions to this news. One of the most common from my largely Protestant community of New Hampshire was, Youre going to college to become even more Jewish? Even now, when I meet up with high school friends who now attend such places as Babson College or Boston University, they ask me how “that whole Jewish University thing” is working out for me lately.

Americans face an incomparable reality

The War in Iraq has now lasted much longer then the original six month estimate of Donald Rumsfeld and shows no signs of getting better. It is now a tiring fact of life that Jon Stewart and writers of The Simpsons are more aware of the desperate situation that we are now in over there than our own President, and while I am not surprised that a group of militarist draft dodgers are mismanaging a war, it is nevertheless disappointing. The question still remains today exactly what it has been since 2003: How do we get out of there?

Greek life: Contradiction

Last Monday, the Brandeis community received its weekly announcement from the Student Union highlighting upcoming activities. One specific event caught our attention: A mock fraternity party held by the Peer Educating Responsible Choices group. Despite the administrations general opposition to Greek life, and many students distrust of Greek organizations, a student-funded organization held a party in the guise of a pseudo-fraternity event. This is one example of the communitys inconsistent response to a topic the university tends to find rather uncomfortable: The existence of Greek organizations, and their perpetual non-recognition by the University.

Non-exclusivity clause expands to include political ideals

The Student Union has altered the non-exclusivity clause in the Union bylaws, adding that members of student clubs may not be discriminated against due to political ideology. The change went into effect immediately, and will have to be reflected in the constitutions of all chartered and recognized clubs the next time that club constitutions are renewed.

Union and Admin. reach agreement on sports funding

The Student Union and the Office of Students and Enrollment have come to an agreement regarding club sports funding, according to Union Officials. A memorandum of understanding between the Union and Students and Enrollment states that the agreement seeks to create a Club Sports Program under the auspices of the Department of Athletics that is funded by the Department of Athletics and by a portion of the Student Activities Fee. The agreement was signed by Union President Alison Schwartzbaum 08, Union Treasurer Choon Woo Ha 08, Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer, and Keenyn McFarlane of the Division of Students and Enrollment.

Report: Brandeis tenure track shows gender disparities

The American Association of University Professorss (AAUP) gender equity statistics comparing professor status by gender at various universities, including Brandeis, have been released. The Nov. 3 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education highlighted the AAUPs gendered breakdown comparing different higher education institutions overall salaries, tenure-track status, part-time professor status, and non-track status from 2005 to 2006.

Student Events kicks off Louis Louis celebration

Louis Louis 2006, coordinated by Student Events in partnership with multiple other groups on campus, began this week and continues through Monday November 13. Included in the six-day celebration are a variety of events. The festivities began on Wednesday with the Louis Louis kickoff on Rabb Steps, and then continued with Adagios Dancefest and the Positive Foundations Coffeehouse that evening. The events culminate on Monday with the official celebration of Brandeis 150th birthday, a speech by Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Margaret Marshall, and the unveiling of an Andy Warhol painting of Justice Brandeis.

Hold Thy Peace denied admission to theater collective

Thursday nights Undergraduate Theatre Collective (UTC) commission meeting resulted in a decision to deny UTC membership to Hold Thy Peace (HTP), Brandeis Shakespeare Society.

Energy saving efforts taking hold on campus

As the environmental and economic costs of energy consumption increase, Brandeis is striving to create a greener campus. The Universitys efforts follow a trend among colleges throughout the nation to reduce their campus negative environmental impact as well as minimize energy-related operating costs.

Reaccreditation process to continue with campus visit

As part of the reaccreditation process, a visiting team from the New England Association for Schools and Colleges (NEASC) will be on campus November 12-15 in order to evaluate multiple facets of the university, including: mission and purposes, planning and evaluation, organization and governance, financial resources, the faculty, the overall academic program, library and information resources, students, integrity, public disclosure, and physical and technological resources. The actual evaluation will occur on November 13 and 14.