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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2007 Issue

Stick with Stick It

In usual Dan Baron fashion, I would like to make a somewhat provocative, somewhat outrageous, somewhat youre kidding me, right? statement: Stick It is one of the best movies that I have ever seen in my entire 20-plus years of living. It is well-written, well-acted and well-filmed and well, its a great movie.

Baan Apptit

Looking for Thai? Baan Thai is my pick for the best Thai food in Waltham…

Fantastic final flings

With the recent sudden passing of Anna Nicole Smith, who was found dead last night in her Florida hotel room, many are asking questions. Her death was far from typical, and although the cause is as of yet unknown, it seems mysteriously similar to that of her hero, Marilyn Monroe. Here are some other well known figures who died in puzzling, mystifying, or simply humorous ways…

The Brandeis University speech impediment

The most remarkable thing about the Carter-Dershowitz event is how swimmingly it went. The university populationto its creditdid not descend into the customary hysteria that usually surrounds discussion here of the Israel-Palestine conflict. In fact, discounting the most extreme and fanatical factions, the only hysterical reactions were these: first, President Jehuda Reinharz babyishly refusing to come to what is arguably the most important event in Brandeis history since its founding;

second, the establishment of a committee to screen discussion and debate on the Middle East at Brandeis University.

Letter to the Editor: Professor Shulamit Reinharz full of contradictions

Brandeis Professor Shulamit Reinharz recently wrote “Fighting Jewish anti-Semitism” as part of an effort to brand critics of Israel as “anti-Semites.” On February 6 Reinharz went on NPR's Point/Counterpoint to argue that view, concluding her remarks by saying, “I want to debate everybody.”

Girls, Wii can play too

My childhood experience with video games was limited to a Gameboy and watching my best friend play Mario on her oldschool Nintendo. She always played the princess. It was clear that the brains behind Nintendo knew nothing about women;

the only female character wore a pink frilly dress. Great for running around and stepping on turtles. But lately Ive noticed how much of a mans world video gaming really is.

Letter to the Editor: F-board website still under construction

To the Editor:

In regards to your article on “Show me the Money” on February 1, 2007, I would like to remind you and readers that all finance-related information on the Student Union website is being fixed at the moment…

Editorial: Should the club be revealed?

The discovery of a forged receipt amongst an unnamed clubs finances brings the University to a thorny crossroads: should the club be revealed, or not? The reasons for secrecy and the reasons for transparency are convoluted, each with varying prices for Brandeis to pay.

Letter to the Editor: Debate should not spiral into hate

People often fail to differentiate between legitimate criticism of Israel and the criticism that is actually anti-Semitism in disguise. Dan Halpern and John Chodacki (An Open Letter to Professor Dershowitz) do an excellent job of mistaking the two and of misinterpreting statements in their favor. Natan Sharanskys 3-Ds, which the authors claim equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, actually do the opposite…

SunDeis to honor Scheider and Neal

Representatives of the Sundeis Film Festival have announced that actors Roy Schneider, Patricia Neal, The Matrix producer Erwin Stoff, and MTV Programming Head Ross Martin will be attending the event occurring Mar. 3 and 4. The festival will culminate with an awards ceremony on Sunday night, which will honor student filmmakers and successful entertainers alike.