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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2007 Issue

Students push for new compost plan

Brandeis students and staff members, along with Aramark Food Services and Wellesley Trucking, are working to help the university reduce its ecological footprint. The Brandeis Environmental Sustainability Team (BEST), Students for Environmental Action (SEA), and Professor Laura Goldins American studies course, “Greening the Ivory Tower,” are working to create a greener campus by composting the cafeteria waste.

Chaplaincy holds panel on interfaith marriage

The Brandeis chaplaincy held a panel discussing the issue of interfaith marriages on Tuesday, before a group of approximately 30 students. The panel discussion and subsequent audience response section was facilitated by Professor Bernadette Brooten (NEJS), and featured Rabbi Allan Lehmann, Father Walter Cuenin, Imam Talal Eid, and Rabbi Aharon Frazer.

Why I ignored the man from Harvard

Last week, Brandeis welcomed Alan Dershowitz to campus to rebut former President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter, and a minor miracle was performed when facilities were somehow able to fit his ego inside the gym. Many people around campus contend that Dershowitz won the imagined debate and that his visit was somehow productive towards solving the problems in the Middle East. I disagree and I believe that it is absurd to believe that Dershowitzs actions with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are in any way admirable. In short, awarding Dershowitz with a microphone for doing nothing more than following around and irritating Jimmy Carter is a travesty for this university.

Finkelstein visit “on hold,” not cancelled

Despite last weeks invitation extended by the Radical Student Alliance (RSA) to controversial Professor Norman Finkelstein to address the Brandeis Community on Feb. 6, the event has now been placed on hold, according to sources within the Office of Student Life. The deferring of this event, however, has given rise to a serious split between members of the RSA and school officials, with both sides providing different reasons for the postponement.

Provost establishes campus events committee

Provost Marty Krauss announced the establishment of an Advisory Committee of Campus Events in a campus-wide email Wednesday. The five-person committee is comprised of Professor Carmen Sirianni (SOC), Professor Sarah Lamb (ANTH), Assistant Dean of Student Life Alwina Bennett, Director of the Office of the Arts Scott Edmiston, and is chaired by Professor Paul Jankowski (HIST).

Students accept Carter challenge

Members of the Brandeis community are working to fund a community delegation to the West Bank, sources say. The two initiatives come weeks after former President Jimmy Carter challenged the university during his Jan. 23 speech to visit the occupied territories for a few days to determine whether I have exaggerated or incorrectly described the plight of the Palestinians in his controversial book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.

Republicans, BIPAC under new leadership

Both of the communitys traditionally conservative groupsthe Brandeis Republicans and the Brandeis Israel Political Action Group (BIPAC)are now under new leadership. The Republicans are now led by president Megan Vijiarungam 09 and vice president Amanda Hecker 10, while BIPAC is headed by president Asher Tanenbaum 08.

President Carter answers more of your questions

Courtesy of The Faculty-Student Carter Question website: 1) Sergio Reyes '98, Alumni Brandeis has always prided itself on the level of social responsibility inherent in its mission, as embodied by students, faculty, and alumni. What role do you believe private universities such as Brandeis possess in being truly forward thinking and socially progressive both within […]

Sudanese art exhibit makes impact on campus

“Leave the Bones and Catch the Land,” an exhibit of art by Sudanese refugees that has been up in Goldfarb Library since December, was taken down today to move in part to Tufts University. The art will also eventually return permanently to Brandeis, where it will be the beginning of a collection of Southern Sudanese artwork and cultural production called the Southern Sudanese Cultural Documentation Center.

Of course Brandeis not everyone’s first choice

There was an article in the paper last week discussing whether or not Brandeis is anyones first choice school. To me, this topic seems to be ridiculous. Of course there are people whose first choice is Brandeis. If there werent, the university wouldnt bother with an Early Admissions program. But for people who still dont think that there exists a student who didnt apply to Brandeis as a last resort, I would like to say that I applied to Brandeis as my first choice.