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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

April 2007 Issue

SSIS Question Sex-tion: safe, sane, and sensual sadomasochism

Q: My roommate recently told me that she and her boyfriend practice SM. Some of the things she told me about are pretty weird and they sound dangerous. Is it okay for her to do that stuff?
-Scared Silly

Friedman to speak at commencement

After the recent death of author David Halberstam, it was announced Thursday that Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Thomas Friedman 75 will be this years commencement speaker, joining senior class speaker Jon Krisch 07. Halberstam, the author of works such as The Best and the Brightest and The Powers that Be, was killed in a car accident in Menlo Park, Calif., on April 23.

Baseball takes three straight

After missing five straight games due to weather conditions, the Brandeis Judges baseball team got back on the field and was able to continue their season on April 19th. The Judges are now riding a three game winning streak, which is their longest of the season.

Brandeis sports, a year in review

Well fellow Brandeisians, what a year it has been. We have seen new arrivals and bitter departures. We witnessed new bounds of success and the seeds for more. We have witnessed greatness and disappointments. All in all, it has been a good year for Brandeis sports.

Rabbi Lehmann steps down as Jewish chaplain

Rabbi Allan Lehmann, Brandeis Jewish Chaplain and the Rabbinic Hillel Director, will be leaving Brandeis at the end of this term to take a position as Associate Dean of the Rabbinic School at Hebrew College in Newton Center.

QRC lobbies for new staff position for gender identity and sexuality

Following a 2003 proposal to increase resources for queer students at Brandeis, the Queer Resource Center (QRC) is advocating a new position to educate and address the community in issues of gender and identity and sexuality.

Kickin’ it with MC Paul Barman

Susan Chopnick: We wanted to know: have you ever performed in front of this many Jews since your Bar Mitzvah?
MC Paul Barman: Never Bar Mitzvah'd, so that is an impossible question. But the easy answer is, (long pause) no.

Back to life, back to reality

Whenever Ive written a new Hooticle (I could say Hoot Article but “Hooticle” combines two of my favorite things: words that sound vulgar but are in fact not, and the merging of two words into one) many people ask me why, given my obsession with television, and reality TV in particular, dont I go on a reality show myself? And because said people actually exist only in my head, I dont even have to bother answering out loud!

Love and madness with Free Play

The Free Play Theatre Cooperative, which launched its inaugural season just last semester, has announced its four-play season spanning both semesters of the 2007-08 academic year, under the theme of Love and Madness. The fall semester will see two of these productions, The Night I Asked Cristine to Marry Me by Sam Zelitch 09, directed by Allison Vanouse 09, and The Love of the Nightingale by Timberlake Wertenbaker, under the direction of Becky Webber 08, while the spring will bring C.P. Taylors Good, directed by Eli Matzner 08, and Martin McDonaghs The Pillowman, directed by Free Play Artistic Director Josh Mervis 08.

Punk Rock finishes year of concerts off with a bang

The final concert at Brandeis this academic year sponsored by the Punk Rock and Roll Club promises to be another great free show with several talented up-and-coming bands. The Lovely Feathers, Ra Ra Riot, and Math the Band will round out the year by playing at Chum's this Friday night at 9 pm.