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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

September 2007 Issue

Letter to the editor: Union Judicial rules quite imperfect

Dear Editor,

I write to express my utter shock and disbelief at the new Union Judiciary rules and the issuance of an advisory opinion in two separate cases along with rules purporting to find judicial power to issue such opinions.

Letter to the editor: Sulsky’s ridicule uncalled for

Dear Editor,

In response to Justin Sulsky's recent article entitled “Publications hit and miss,” I'd like to start by saying how wonderful it is to hear that Sulsky is no longer writing for the Justice. After reading “Publications…” I would hate to see such a lackluster journalist sullying the Justice's pages. Mr. Sulsky: I'm sorry to hear that you're “still drawn to journalism.” I fear that you will soon realize that to be a good journalist, you must be unbiased. No one wants journalists telling them what to think. If you would like to merely write editorials, that is another matter entirely. If you feel that you cannot possibly remain unbiased and that your “voluble” opinions must be unleashed, please reconsider journalism as a career.

Letter to the editor: In response to “Publications hit and miss”

Dear Editor,

Shortly after The Hoot was created during my first year at Brandeis, I wrote to the editor after an article insulted the arts reviews in the Justice. I believed then, and continue to believe, that critiquing a newspaper in the pages of its “rival” is completely and utterly unprofessional and unethical.

Editorial: A propped door is not enough

Last Wednesday, President Jehuda Reinharz, via a campus-wide email, informed the Brandeis community that he has decided to allow Public Safety Officers to carry firearms. The decision was made following the completion of a report by The Firearms Advisory Committee, which was composed of various administrators, faculty, staff, two Brandeis undergraduate students (both members of the Student Union Executive Office) and one graduate student.

Reinharz OKs guns for campus police

Following recommendations from an advisory panel formed after last semesters campus shootings at Virginia Tech, President Jehuda Reinharz announced that the university would begin arming campus Public Safety officers. According to sources from Public Safety, the new policy will take three to six months to be implemented.

Ridgewood student forum elicits many strong opinions

On Wednesday Sept. 19, the second of three scheduled forums held on the new Ridgewood residence halls, quickly turned into a battleground for upperclassmen from Ziv and the Village to voice their complaints about early morning construction.

Reinharz signs climate pledge

President Reinharz signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) on Wednesday, Sept. 12, after being approached by the co-presidents of Students for Environmental Action (SEA) two days prior.

Change in UJ procedure leads to mixed reactions

The Union Judiciary (UJ) announced Sept. 7 a new policy in deciding Constitutional conflicts, sources within the UJ told the Hoot. This new policy, according to Chief Justice Jamie Ansorge 09, allows parties to forgo the previously- established trial system in favor of an expedited decision by the UJ.

What’s up Waltham & What’s going on at Brandeis?

What's up Waltham?

Waltham Library
735 Main St., Waltham, MA 02451

Books! More books than you can shake a stick at. It is very similar to the Brandeis Library because it has books, but it also has a not-so-secret stash of videos (both VHS and DVD) and popular music. Also, if you want to find the name of the Native American burial ground your apartment was built over, they have records on the history of the city.

Some advice for the Brandeis Senior

Last week, The Hoot shared small tidbits of advice to the Brandeis first-years, and it only makes sense that this week the same advice should be given to the seniors. After all, your time here is limited, and there are quite a few things that one should be able to say they did after their four years at this university. Prior to graduating, one must: