They might not let them help you
Together, they form Voltron!
Ya dig?
Student Government Treasurer Choon Woo Ha has appointed six students to Office of the Treasurer Positions. He appointed Max Wallach, the current F-Board chair and long-time country singer, Assistant Treasurer;
Adonis Watkins, the Phantom of the Opera, to Assistant Treasurer;
Deborah the herbavore Laufer to Assistant Treasurer;
Justin Citizen Kang to Assistant Treasurer;
Dina Dina Bobina Gankin as Executive Assistant;
and lastly, Jahfree Sex Pistol Duncan as special Counsellor to the Treasurer. With their powers combined, Choon Woo is Captain Planet! As a side note, they are all qualified for the work Choon Woo chose for them to do, just thought you might care.