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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

December 2007 Issue

They can finally see his face

So, you’re up at 2 am and there’s nothing to do. If you’re like me, (and you have cable), then of course you’re vegging out to those weird artsy videos they only show late at night on MTV2 (about the only time they show music videos at all, to be honest). A particular video catches […]

The Idan Raichel Project returns

The Paradise Rock Club starts to fall silent as the lights dim. They regain their full power and we realize for the third time that the technicians are merely running tests and the concert is not starting. A slow clap initiated by someone fills our ears, but still we wait. Once more the lights dim. […]

And Even in This Last Frontier

You throw me, Shrieking, Into the river Off the bridge where, you said, Portland hung himself Six or seven years past I splash and raise a little ruckus, Stay under to scare you— Hang with the fishes and Wonder if there exists a single inch of bright, green earth Where tragedy Has yet to strike

The top ten albums of 2007

It seems that with every passing year, the musical creative output continues to grow and prosper. Whether or not that’s true remains to be seen, but 2007 has presented an odd array of sounds from newbies and old hats, with plenty of surprises abound. While there has easily been more than ten great albums produced […]