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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2008 Issue

The Point: Reflections on life

This past weekend, I attended the funeral for my paternal grandmother, who died a year and a half ago—don’t worry: this wasn’t a Walt-Disney-cryogenics thing. We had already buried her. It was more like a memorial service. Anyway, things got awkward when we realized that my father accidentally made lunch reservations for the whole Needleman […]

Brandeis clubs should embrace the Internet

A few months ago, it was reported in The Justice that Senior Vice President for Communications Lorna Miles had been working hard to try and increase our university’s visibility around the country. By recognizing this, Miles is taking a huge step in the right direction for our young university. But these kinds of efforts do […]

Shopping for Truth: Communication 101

Sometimes I think colleges should offer free courses in how to communicate with other human beings. These classes would be offered to all of humanity basically, because we’re all in pretty bad shape if you ask me. I would name the classes Communication 101. Why not? We have courses in sociology to teach us the […]

One Tall Voice: Retirement from controversy

Last year, my friend and mentor Kevin Montgomery wrote an article announcing his retirement as a columnist. He claimed that Brandeis was too apt to commit character assassination, and his skin was no longer thick enough to handle this attack. Montgomery also talked about the insults he received, and the numerous consequences this assault had […]

The surge to nowhere

During a visit to Baghdad in the late 1980’s, American journalist Tony Horowitz picked up a copy of the local newspaper The Baghdad Observor. On the front page was a story proudly proclaiming that ‘sixteen strategic mountain peaks’ had been captured from the Iranians. All of those mountains were Iraqi; their original capture by Iranian […]

The Gay Perspective: In defense of the accused

I can no longer hold my piece. Last year, a magazine I looked forward to reading at the end of every semester was destroyed because of a racist joke and now a good friend of mine is being called a racist. I really feel bad for both Gravity and Jordan Rothman, because once somebody or […]

From the page to the stage: MusicUnitesUS with the Waltham community

“I bet you’ve never heard an Iraqi love song,” Yuval Ron of the Yuval Ron Ensemble, continued. The Iraqi musician then proceeded to play one for the kids during a MusicUnitesUs performance in the ‘05-‘06 season. It was through this experience that a group of young children’s eyes opened and ears stretched. Most young children […]

Ollie’s Eatery: A late night special

Food is not a joking matter when it comes to college students. We want good food at an affordable price and available at all hours of the day. While Sherman and USDAN have been the primary sources for food in the past years, the idea behind Ollie’s is that more choice can never be bad. […]

From Brandeis to Haiti: Widening the gap

Are you tired of sitting in class after class, listening to the professor lecture, and spend each day just writing chicken scratch notes in your beat up 3 ring binder? Then maybe a Community Engaged Learning class is for you. Although two of the three scheduled weekly class hours are more formal in terms of […]

Israeli-Arab journalist offers views on MidEast conflict

In a talk sponsored by Students United for Israel and Hasbara Fellowships, Israeli-Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh offered up his perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the prospects for peace. Despite a downpour outside, Toameh enjoyed a nearly full audience in Rappaport Treasure Hall Tuesday evening. Before making his way to Brandeis this week, Toameh […]