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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2008 Issue

BTV offers up second helpings

While it may seem strange to hype up a second episode, BTV premiered its second installment of Slice and ‘Deis to a nearly-filled Golding Auditorium, allowing it to showcase its hard work. This episode entitled “New Textbooks” ran for about twenty-seven minutes, most of which was filled with witty dialogue, well crafted scenes, and some […]

Red and black all over

The Academy Awards, that world-renowned ceremony of iconic golden statuettes, turned 80 this year and I am sad to report that its age is starting to show, if not in the ceremony itself, then on the red carpet at least. I had high expectations for the red carpet arrivals, considering that some of the nominees […]

Black History Month

Thursday night’s Black History Month Closing Ceremony in the Napoli Trophy room in Gosman was not a typical closing affair. The evening started off with a dramatic recitation from Shaina Gilbert ’11, who spoke about a dream she had about her great, great grandmother traveling north to freedom. Gilbert powerfully belted out a few lines […]

And the Oscar goes to…

After all the nail-biting and hair-graying, February 24, 2008 served as the date for the 80th annual Academy Awards. It was an evening of glitz, glamour, and Jon Stewart. There were a few surprises, the least of which being Daniel Day Lewis’ Best Performing Actor victory. His speech was pre-meditated and eloquent, as could only […]

More than your average Western

“A Hell of a Place to Make Your Fortune” is the tagline for HBO’s three season mini-epic Western Deadwood. A show that totally encompasses history, drama, the west, the American Dream, and real friendship, Deadwood is one of those great television programs that structures itself around a basic story arc, complete with a predetermined beginning […]

An Odd Couple indeed

Alternative/neo-soul/funk/rapper/everything-er Cee-Lo and wonder-boy producer Danger Mouse are back at it again. Danger Mouse is the highly experimental, innovative and risky DJ from White Plains, New York. He is the mind behind such projects as The Grey Album (an amalgam of Jay-Z lyrics from The Black Album with sampled Beatles tracks from The White Album), […]

Quarterlife is dead on arrival

Gen Y has its own technology (the Ipod), its own networking strategy (Facebook) and now with the premiere of NBC’s new one-hour drama, Quarterlife, its own television show. Apparently the pilot episode failed to relate to its target audience, considering the poor ratings its Tuesday premiere received and its subsequent cancellation by NBC two days […]

When I listen

When I listen, I see a woman. I do not know her face, or her name, but she has brown hair, and pale white skin. I do not know where she is, but only that she is here, she comes to me with no context, no back ground, no reason. She wears a silky blue […]

The Band’s Visit: A Welcomed Arrival

If you’ve been too afraid to approach that group of intellectuals that congregate outside your politics class, here’s a topic to catch their attention: foreign film. Ever a category to get the intellectuals going, foreign film has often been recognized as an acquired taste, something geared towards espresso-drinking, The New Yorker-reading yuppies and their middle-aged […]

A throw back to the hybrid music of Paul Simon

If we trace rock and roll music’s roots back far enough—through jump blues and boogie to blues and African shuffles—indie band Vampire Weekend appears doubly indebted to west-African pop. Not only does it inherit a three-century legacy of melding black and European influences into rock music, it pilfers directly from the source. Most scholars of […]