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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Archive for 2008

Editorial: Late to psych, ride a bike

The quintessential college campus always seems to be scattered with bicycles, and for good reason. As a cheap, convenient and eco-friendly means of transportation, they appeal to students in a way that no car or campus shuttle can. Yet, between the Massachusetts winter weather, the stress of bike upkeep and protection, and the fact that […]

Book of Matthew: Where have you gone, Joe Lieberman?

What do we do about Joe Lieberman? It’s a question that has been hovering over the heads of the Democratic Party leadership for months. They’ve successfully avoided it for a while, instead focusing on more important campaign issues. But the campaign season is over, and the Lieberman question must be answered. You see, Senator Lieberman […]

Creative Destruction: The Republican Party’s future

After an unpopular presidential and congressional legacy has damaged the reputation of the Republican Party, the GOP now stands at a vital crossroads in determining its future. The Republicans must now decide how they will carry forward the Republican Party in the short run and in the long run. First they must determine how they […]

Considering ballot initiatives

Last week, amid the euphoria of Barack Obama’s electoral victory and the reflection that America remains the land of unbridled opportunity, the voters of California added a provision to their constitution limiting the freedoms of one particular group. The passage of Proposition 8, an appalling piece of law which “Eliminates [the] Right of Same-Sex Couples […]

Pushing for gay rights

While election night was a sweeping victory for Democrats and liberals on the whole, it was an utterly abysmal one for advocates of gay rights. Ballot measures passed in California, Arizona and Florida banning gay marriage (Florida and Arizona banned equivalent partnerships as well) and Arkansas passed a measure that will have the effect of […]

SEA Change: Will President Obama make the right choices?

I was in Chum’s last Tuesday with a bunch of other members of SEA cheering wildly as soon as they called the election for Barack Obama, celebrating the end of eight terrible years and the beginning of an era of “hope” and “change.” I actually celebrated a whole lot, which is the reason this article […]

The Hiatt Corner: Don’t hibernate over winter break

This winter break, start making summer and post-graduation plans by thinking about your future, preparing for your job search, networking with professionals, and attending career fairs. If you are undecided about your plans, you can use the break to reflect on your values, skills and interests, and start or update your resume. Network with alumni, […]

Shopping for Truth: Mudslinging

It dates back to our earliest years. We did it when we were in kindergarten. We moved on to bigger and meaner techniques once we reached high school. But bring in the big bad adults and all bets are off. What in the world am I talking about? Mudslinging, to put it simply. It’s human […]

Naomi Narrative: Don’t make me choose: Drinking games and Nazis

You, your friends, and a bottle of vodka are playing the popular drinking game “would you rather?” Would you rather be 4’1 or 7’9? Make out with a McDreamy or a McSteamy? Live in Antarctica or Death Valley? As the Smirnoff disappears along with your ability to walk in a straight line, the questions grow […]

One Tall Voice: Everything will be okay!

While many spent the recent election night in the Shapiro Atrium, or at other victory parties around campus, I enjoyed a unique experience last Tuesday. For I participated in the Brandeis Republican’s election party, and it was one of the most enjoyable evenings of my semester. We drank, we sang. We shouted, and we bonded. […]