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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

April 2009 Issue

Development uses new media to fundraise

In the wake of Brandeis’ economic crisis, the university announced in March that the Department for Development and Alumni Relations are going would focus their gift raising efforts on obtaining money for financial aid. Integral in Vice President of Institutional Advancement Nancy Winship’s plan to raise funds is use of the Internet for the actual […]

Steering committee recommendations anger members of departments with revolutionary roots

The recent recommendations by the faculty senate’s Curriculum and Academic Restructuring (CARS) Committee to turn the American Studies, Classical Studies and African and Afro-American Studies (AAAS) departments into interdepartmental programs have sparked controversy through out the university’s students and faculty. The news that there is a consideration of making AAAS and American Studies departments is […]

Earth day celebrated through student activism

Gallery: Earth Day Concert The Spring Into Activism fair reconvened on Thursday in honor of earth day in order to raise awareness of different activist groups and causes on campus after being postponed Wednesday due to rain. Students for Environmental Action (SEA) and Positive Foundations (PF) headed the event where activist clubs were invited to […]

Speakers grade Obama on first 100 days

Gallery: Obama, the first 100 days Economist Dr. Gregg Mankiw, Ambassador Charles Dunbar and Dr. Stuart Altman gathered at Brandeis University last night to discus President Barack Obama’s progress in the economy, international relations and healthcare reform during his first 100 days in office. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Peniel Joseph (AAAS), who explained […]

Failing at common sense

As we close the year, the editorial board of The Brandeis Hoot is confused. Our administrators are smart – they have graduate degrees and letters after their names. And yet, they seem to have a problem reading. Throughout several months of dialogue about the Rose Art Museum, the administration has changed its position multiple times […]

Editorial: Putting race on trial

Wednesday, the Union Judiciary heard a case in which the petitioners claimed that the Senator for Racial Minority Students and Finance Board Representative for Racial Minority Students positions violated the Union Constitution because only a student registered as a minority with the Registrar may run or vote for the offices. That this case was filed […]

From students to professors; Profiling the winners of 2009 teaching awards

Peter Kalb4, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Art on the Cynthia L. and Theodore S. Berenson chair, is the 27th recipient of the Michael L. Walzer ’56 Award for Teaching. This award is handed out to a tenure track faculty member who “combines superlative scholarship with inspired teaching.” Kalb received his bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College […]

One Tall Voice: I love Brandeis University but I hate Brandeisians

I cannot believe the time has come for me to write my last column for The Hoot. It has been quite an adventure since I first started writing in the fall of 2006, and I am proud to be the longest-running column still operating on the Brandeis campus. Throughout my writings for The Hoot, I […]

‘The world is a big joke’ The Durban Conference

I recently watched the movie “Watchmen” and although it is a sci-fi movie, there is something you can learn from the comedian character – “the world is a big joke.” I mean this because this week the Durban II conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland. For those of you living in a cave, the first […]

A greeting to arms

Despite right-wing claims that President Obama is “gutting the military,” the President’s proposed 2010 budget actually calls for an increase in defense spending. In 2009, total defense spending—which includes the base defense budget and the supplementary budgets that fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—will amount to $655 billion. In 2010, this number is expected […]