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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

October 2009 Issue

Do we have to let it linger?

This week, nine students were appointed to a task force charged with reviewing the Student Union Constitution, a process that occurs every four years. Though the entire constitution is up for review, one provision deserves particular focus. It is time for a definitive decision about the legality of the Senate and Finance Board positions for […]

The Self Shelf: Balloon boy and the decline of western civilization

The stake was driven in poorly. Trembling in the prairie wind, the stake finally gave way to the unbearable weight of the balloon, which floated into the uncertain autumn skies. The parents rushed out of the house to find their youngest child gone, trapped in a runaway weather balloon–alone and frightened–fate fading in the fickle […]

Book of Matthew: All you need is love

On Nov. 3, Maine residents will head to the polls to vote on Question 1, which, if approved by a majority of voters, will overturn the recent law allowing same-sex marriage. The following is a work of fiction. It is not an account of an actual protest. The city streets were quiet most days. Apart […]

The Goldstone Report: A biased witch hunt against Israel

The Goldstone Report–a war crimes report by Justice Richard J. Goldstone of the United Nations–is not objective, and is in fact tainted by bias from not only one sector of the United Nations (The Human Rights Council) but the body as a whole. This report came out strongly condemning Israel for their part in a […]

Borde-nough: Busting a cap into Cap-and-Trade

A gust of climate change initiatives is now blowing through the halls of the United States Congress. The Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee is now considering a bill that would by various means including a “cap and trade” pollution allowance scheme, reduce emissions of gases that cause climate change by 20 percent over the […]

Maestro of Dissent: A radical proposal: Advocating cartoon freedom

On Mar. 15, HBO aired an episode of its series “Big Love,” which depicted temple rituals that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regard as sacred. For members of my faith, the temple is a place where individuals receive holy covenants, which are not spoken about outside of the temple. It […]

The Editor’s Desk: Bidding adieu

This issue marks my last as editor in chief of The Brandeis Hoot, and at risk of being sanctimonious, I would like to share a few of the lessons I have learned over the past 11 months. Throughout my tenure as editor in chief of this amazing organization, I have learned that success and failure […]

On the 8th day: Public opinion polls?

I recently read an article by the BBC that surveyed people in 10 developed countries about whether Darwinian evolution should be taught in science classes. Unsurprisingly, a substantial portion of the respondents were in favor of teaching either evolution and creationism side by side, or for the teaching of creationism and the exclusion of any […]

