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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2010 Issue

Brandeis 2020 Committee suggests broad academic cuts: Cuts elicit muted community reaction

Despite recent proposals to terminate or restructure 18 academic programs, the university’s students and faculty alike have been relatively accepting of the need for cuts. Caroline Grassi ’12 said at an open forum for undergraduate students Thursday that she “understands the need to cut.” “Considering our economic situation, I feel the Committee did a fairly […]

Campus TV cable to remain despite service warnings

Brandeis’ cable television service provided by Comcast will not be affected by their transition to digital cable in the Waltham area, despite frequent warnings from the cable company during regular programing. John Turner, director of systems and networks for Library and Technolgy Services wrote in a myBrandeis post, “Don’t panic! Brandeis is NOT going to […]

18 proposals terminate, restructure academics

The Brandeis 2020 Committee today released a list of 18 proposals to either terminate or reorganize graduate and undergraduate programs in an effort to save the university $3.8 million annually beginning in 2012. Eight of the proposals affect graduate programs, and include indefinitely suspending admissions to the doctorate Anthropology program, the master’s program in Cultural […]

J Street on South Street: Founder: time running out on two-state solution

Jeremy Ben-Ami, founder of the national Jewish lobbying group J Street spoke Thursday about the need for Israeli-Palestinian dialogue, emphasizing the need for an American presence. J Street, founded as a “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobbying body which advocates for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, means to represent Americans who support a two-state solution: a […]

Academic cuts released, could save $3.8 million annually

The Brandeis 2020 Committee today released a list of 18 proposals to either terminate or reorganize graduate and undergraduate programs in an effort to save the university $3.8 million annually beginning in 2012. Eight of the proposals affect graduate programs, and include indefinitely suspending admissions to the Anthropology Ph.D. program, the master’s program in Cultural […]

Grad renovations announced

The university board of trustees approved a “major renovation project” to the Charles River Apartments at their Wednesday meeting. The construction will take place over the summer with the aim of being completed in time for the 2010-2011 academic year. The approximately $9 million project will revamp the 140 off-campus apartments’ kitchens and bathroom spaces, […]

Aronin reclaims post

In an ironic Student Union turnaround, Diana Aronin ’11 won reelection as Secretary Thursday with 483 out of 640 votes in a race with unprecedented voter turnout. Aronin, who was not originally running to reclaim the seat from which the Union Judiciary (UJ) removed her last Sunday, made it into the final elections through a […]

Rose new lawyer for univ in Rose suit

Attorney Alan D. Rose of Rose, Chinitz & Rose has taken over the role of outside counsel from Tom Reilly in the suit filed against the university by three donors to the Rose Art Museum looking to stop the sale of the museum’s art. Rose is not related to any member of the family for […]