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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

May 2010 Issue

Rose art not for sale, maybe for rent

Brandeis’ board of trustees is in discussions with Sotheby’s, the New York art auction house, in order to determine non-sale options that would generate money from The Rose Art Museum’s collection. While members of the university administration said they did not know what these “non-sale” agreements would look like, university President Jehuda Reinharz said “some […]

Oren speaks about the Middle East, dreams at commencement, Simon plays “The Boxer”

Gallery Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael B. Oren focused on the graduates’ futures during his speech at Brandeis’ 59th commencement ceremony Sunday morning inside the Gosman Athletic Center. The choice of Oren as commencement speaker by university President Jehuda Reinharz was met with criticism by opponents to Oren’s right-leaning politics and those who did […]

Leadership awards announed

The Student Union Executive Board named Emma Reidy ’10, Marnina Cowan ‘10, Jannifer Lee ‘11 and Amber Kornreich ‘12 recipients of the new Brandeis Student Leadership Award for their commitments as club leaders and contributions to student life, according to a statement on Tuesday from Union Director of Communications, Andrea Ortega ’13. Reidy, Editor of […]

The crash of the computer

Computers have taken over college students’ lives. Everything we need academically involves computers. We need Microsoft Word to write our papers. We need the Internet to access online reading. And we need e-mail in order to receive updates from our teachers and to communicate with our peers. This is why not having a computer in […]

Stand up for the truth

“Brandeis should have known better” is a phrase that’s been uttered far too often in the past few years, usually in a public relations context. Though the university seemed to be on a path toward repairing its image through its ostensibly transparent approach to achieving academic reform and financial sustainability, it took another step back […]