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Archive for 2010

Death by ignorance: Goldfish are creatures, not party favors

My opinion of Student Events has never been particularly high, but it was not until last Friday that I felt true ire towards them. Several of my friends complain about the organization’s waste of students’ money, but I will admit that I generally can’t be bothered to complain about something like that. However, I will […]

Engrossing: Considering a ‘gap-year’

Around this time of year, it is common for high school seniors to be stressing out about college applications. Many of my fellow first-years will look back at this time last year and laugh (or cry) as they remember how wrapped up they were in the college admissions process. My story, however, is a little […]

The authentic Jewish voice for peace

Just this past week, we had an “Israeli Occupation Awareness Week” at Brandeis University. The organizers stopped short of titling the week “Israel Apartheid Week,” but the content and arguments were the same. The week was full of passion, misinformation and, most tellingly, a lack of discussion about the crimes of Hamas—the true spoiler in […]

A mother of invention

“Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence.” -Frank Zappa Noam Chomsky is a true believer. His central belief is that the United States is a neo-colonialist power, seeking global domination. This is the overall context for his understanding […]

In defense of Four Loko

The unthinkable has happened. Our world as we know it has changed. There comes a time when change is necessary, when we must alter our universe for common good. But ladies and gentleman, why change what is not broken? Why take away my right given by law, that one older than 21 may drink what […]

The Self Shelf: The folly of banning Four Loko

It seems that the latest rage for both state governments and schools is to ban the sale of the popular caffeinated alcoholic beverage, Four Loko. Colloquially referred to as “black out in a can,” Four Loko is equivalent to five beers and three cups of coffee. Experts worry about the effects of mixing caffeine with […]

Altered Consciousness: Obama fails to lead on the world stage

When I look at what’s going on in the international scene today, one thing seems clear: the world is continually changing in ways that adversely affect U.S. interests, while the Obama administration appears to be doing little in response. The first example of this dynamic is Lebanon. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, based in The […]

Sexcapades: Stuck in a dry spell? Get yourself wet!

Ever had a dry spell? Don’t even try to pretend you haven’t, because we all have. For some people, just a few weeks counts, when for others, it’s not until a couple of months have gone by that they really begin to feel it. Even how we describe dry spells differs—does it mean you’ve had […]

Book of Matthew: Meriting change

Approximately three-quarters of Brandeis students receive financial aid. For some students, this aid comes in the form of merit scholarships. But, beginning with the incoming class of 2015, Brandeis is planning to phase out most merit aid, following a growing trend among universities of our size. According to Dean of Admissions Mark Spencer, many common […]

Women’s soccer falls to Williams in second round of NCAA tournament

The weather was smiling on Brandeis as the women’s soccer team went for the first NCAA Tournament win in school history. Saturday’s unseasonably warm temperature brought out a large crowd of supporters, and the opening kickoff saw a packed sideline of 650 excited fans. Our team deserved no less than the best from the campus […]