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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2012 Issue

Engrossing: Internet blurs the boundary between fact and falsehood

As an editor of The Hoot, I have an obvious interest in the way news is produced and consumed in our country. Many people have predicted the downfall of the newspaper as Internet news sources have all but overtaken the traditional form. A book that I’m reading for one of my classes this semester gives […]

What You Get For a B.A.

Conventional wisdom tells us that we’ll forget 90 percent of everything we learn in college. When we say this as a joke, laugh and complain about how unfortunate it is that we cram textbooks-worth of information into our brains and pour them out into a blue-book. Rarely do we take a moment to reflect on […]

Call Me, Tweet Me: Let’s talk about domestic violence, baby

Remember when Chris Brown hit his then-girlfriend, Rihanna? I do. It was the eve of the 2009 Grammys, and Brown and Rihanna were both scheduled to perform the next day. According to a search warrant, obtained and released by TMZ, they were driving when Rihanna read a text message from a woman with whom Brown […]

Sound Off: Discussing mental health at Brandeis

Listen here: Sound Off: Discussing mental health at Brandeis Almost exactly a year ago, the Brandeis community was sent into shock when Kat Sommers, a freshman, committed suicide. Her death not only left a hole in the Brandeis community, but it also brought up a rarely discussed topic: the mental health of college students. The Hoot […]

Sexcapades: The ins and outs of sex in a galaxy far, far away

SSIS does a great job of educating Brandeis students about sex, but there are just some things that SSIS has never bothered telling us. We had to learn these things from other places, including that sixth-grade sex ed. class we crashed, that strip club we frequent or that strange site we stumbled across while on […]

The Katzwer’s Out of the Bag: It is not such a bad thing to fight for gay marriage

The past couple of weeks have seen amazing headway in the advance of legalizing gay marriage in the United States. Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire signed into law on Feb. 13 a bill legalizing gay marriage in the state. This brings the count of states allowing gay marriage up to seven: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, […]

Who’s annoyed with ‘Ordinary’ Virginia Woolf?

To be fair, I have read about two pages of Virginia Woolf’s work, specifically two pages of “Mrs. Dalloway.” From those two pages, I gathered that party planning was a big deal way back when. This was the only knowledge I had about Woolf when I went to watch “Ordinary Mind, Ordinary Day,” a play […]

Vagina love for ‘The Vagina Monologues’

“The Vagina Monologues,” performed on-campus last weekend, was a beautiful show. “Monologues,” presented this year by 30 young women, is an annual tradition at Brandeis, as well as at many colleges across the United States. It corresponds with V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women. All proceeds from the show went toward three […]

The Hoot Valentine’s Day playlist

The Hoot editorial board has chosen these songs for its Valentine’s Day playlist. Whether in love or alone, we hope you enjoy these picks. For lovebirds: 1. “As Long as You’re Mine” – “Wicked” 2. “As Long as You Love Me” – Backstreet Boys 3. “(God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time on You” […]

Romney on students’ mind

As Massachusetts and the primary here nears, Mitt Romney, recent losses aside, is still the front-runner in the Republican nomination race. Brandeis students have varying reasons as to why they do or do not support him, and whether they believe he is electable. “I support him and I will be voting for him in the […]