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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

September 2012 Issue

New café opens in Farber library

After months of construction over the summer, Java City has opened a new location in the Farber wing of Brandeis’ library. The plans existed since April, with an initial hope that it would open by the start of the fall semester. More recent estimates gave mid-September. The official opening is not until Oct. 2, but […]

Editorial: Why are there no answers one year after Waltham triple homicide?

More than one year has passed since last Sept. 12, when detectives began an investigation into the triple murder of Brendan Mess, 25, of Waltham; Erik Weissman, 31, of Cambridge; and Raphael Teken, 37, of Cambridge, who graduated from Brandeis in 1998 and majored in history. Updates on the investigation have not been significant. The […]

Today Show Comes to Brandeis

Brandeis has been chosen as one of six finalists to have the fourth hour of the Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, hosted live from campus. The winning campus gets a chance to increase its publicity on live television. On Thursday, a Today Show camera crew filmed a rally on the Great […]

Despite error, Union announces results of elections

Thursday’s election ended with new officials in a number of positions, but more notably a number was left unfilled due to errors in the voting process. First-year students were unable to vote and recent alumni had not been removed from the polling process and were still able to cast ballots. According to Student Union President […]

Dor Guez enthralls at Rose opening

The Rose Art Museum reopened this evening after a summer hiatus, allowing the public to see its collections once more, and giving new director Christopher Bedford the opportunity to prove himself with the exhibit “100 Steps to the Mediterranean,” by Dor Guez. Guez, a Jerusalem-born photographer and video artist, lives and works in Jaffa, and […]

Editorial: School spirit high, but why isn’t university promoting its name more?

This week we’ve seen an influx in school spirit, thanks primarily to The Today Show with Kathie Lee Griffin and Hoda Kotb, and in part to Rachel Nelson ’13 and Reed Zuckerman ’13. The seniors took charge of the campaign to bring the show to Brandeis in a national collegiate contest, helping propel the school […]

Editorial: New relationship policy on track but questions remain

We were happy to read President Lawrence’s letter detailing the university’s official policy on faculty/staff-student relationships this week. The policy seems very straightforward, which is a good thing: Romantic or sexual relationships between students and their professors or administrators with direct authority over them are completely inappropriate. The university is quite right to note that […]

The Weekly Glutton

This week we went to Carl’s Steak Subs. It’s a take-out place on Prospect Street (close to the Hannaford stop or the 99 stop on the BranVan) but if you want, weather permitting, you can sit right outside. Even before entering, you’ll smell the aroma of carmelized onions and grease from approximately a block away. […]

Brandeis student brings art class to Ghana

Alternative uses for art are becoming more and more evident at Brandeis, as is seen in the Attukwei Art Foundation, an organization co-founded by Jessye Kass ’13 that runs outreach programs in Ghana’s Accra region. Before coming to Brandeis, Kass took a gap semester teaching English at a Ghanaian orphanage. This gave her a firsthand […]

Commemorating 9/11 in public art

In many ways, the attacks of September 11, 2001 have defined the tone of our society for the last decade in addition to permanently altering the lives of thousands of Americans. It has become a focal point of our culture, a meeting place of pain upon which all ethnic backgrounds and political creeds can unite, […]