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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

February 2013 Issue

Brandeis, real food now

The idea of real food at Brandeis has been popping up around campus more frequently alongside new everyday language such as “local,” “organic,” “humane” and “vegetarian.” The idea of controlling the food you consume is not foreign. In fact, its prevalence is regularly increasing in society within fields such as agriculture, technology, fad-diets and overall […]

Brandeis, take the leap: address sexual assault

When I look back at my days at Brandeis, I remember the good things. I remember hanging out with my friends, scoffing at Pachanga and attending really fantastic lectures. What I don’t remember is sexual assault. Part of this is because I was never assaulted at Brandeis, but the other reason is that it simply […]

Rosbash, Hall win Wiley prize

Professor Michael Rosbash (BIOL), the Peter Gruber Endowed Chair in Neuroscience and Jeffrey Hall, along with their colleague Michael Young of Rockefeller University, have been awarded the 12th annual Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences for the discovery of the molecules that control the circadian rhythm. The discovery is significant to scientists who study sleep cycles, […]

Panel discusses presence of social justice in business

’Deis Impact hosted a discussion on Ethics and Social Justice in Business on Monday evening as part of a series of events designed to bring the campus community together while defining social justice. The event sought to answer the question “Just because it’s legal, does it mean it’s ethical?” while defining social justice from a […]

Dushkus deliver keynote address of ‘Deis Impact

Actress Eliza Dushku, most famous for her role on “Buffy The Vampire Slayer,” and her mother Judy Dushku, a political science professor at Suffolk University, visited campus to deliver the keynote speech for ’Deis Impact, the weeklong festival of social justice events, Wednesday in Levin Ballroom. The Dushkus are the founders of THRIVE-Gulu, a nonprofit […]

Thinking about social justice

We applaud the students, faculty and staff who coordinated this week’s ’Deis Impact festival to celebrate social justice. With events ranging from the arts, to business practices, to social media to investigative reporting, the community rallied to show the diversity of fields where social justice can impact the lives of others. The question that Brandeis […]

Writing and one-liners highlights in ‘Hansel and Gretel’

“Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters” is exactly how the movie is advertised. It follows in the tradition of those wintertime action movies loaded with copious amounts of explosions and action that seem to prequel summer blockbusters. Hansel (Jeremy Renner, who played Hawkeye in “The Avengers”) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton, the Princess in “Prince of Persia” […]

Women’s basketball gets revenge against Rochester, ends seven-game losing streak

Back on their home court after two consecutive travel weekends, the women’s basketball team got their chance for revenge last weekend against Emory University and the University of Rochester. With their goals for the weekend fresh in their minds, the Judges beat the UAA third-ranked Rochester Yellow Jackets, breaking their seven-game losing streak on their […]

Learning history beyond the campus bubble

On Jan. 5, 2013, I woke up early and read Chapter 83 of Moby Dick out loud at 4:10 a.m. to a handful of people gathered in the lobby of the New Bedford Whaling Museum for the 17th annual Moby Dick Marathon. The Marathon is a 24-hour affair where volunteers from across the globe come […]

Jubilee Project emphasizes power of social media to create a more just world

In a ’Deis Impact event last Saturday, members of the Jubilee Project, Eric Lu, Eddie Lee and Jason Lee, visited Brandeis to encourage students to use social media creatively to inspire others to action through the power of storytelling. The event, cosponsored by Jubilee Project Brandeis, BAASA, the BPA and the ICC, was titled “Ordinary […]