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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

March 2014 Issue

Softball team defeats 9th-ranked Emory

The softball team left the University Athletic Association tournament 3-5 but ended on a high note, defeating ninth-ranked Emory University 12-11. Brandeis had lost to them 14-6 in six innings last week. The offensive rush began quickly as the Eagles Megan Light hit a two-run homer in the top of the first. Brandeis scored in […]

Senior talent on display in theater Festival

Every year, theater majors at Brandeis are given the opportunity to apply for a senior thesis in the form of a senior festival show, now in its third year. The performances are free and open to the public and as the 2014 Senior Thesis Festival begins, seniors are excited to showcase their hard work. This […]

Brandeis improves Prospect St. studio’s safety

The actions of Fine Arts majors in the past month prove that these students remain as committed to the vitality of their department as they are to their art. Students’ efforts combined with an article published in The Hoot on Feb. 14 have inspired major safety improvements for the dilapidated Fine Art building on Prospect […]

Levine aspires to share love of violin after graduation

Like most college freshmen, Rachel Levine ’14 came to Brandeis with an open mind. “I wanted the options. I liked that I could explore my major,” she said. Although Levine, a Music Performance major, has been studying the violin since she was four years old, she did not plan on studying music when applying to […]

Hindu community still in need of a permanent space for worship

Members of the Protestant and Hindu communities, along with other faculty and staff, sat down in early February to talk about options for the religious group, Namaskar, to have a place of worship. The discussion, which took place in the Harlan Chapel, was sponsored by the Interfaith Chaplaincy to have an open discussion about faith […]

University can offer more than hypocrisy

I like to watch “The Daily Show.” As it name suggests, I tend to watch it every day, usually while eating a bowl of cereal the morning after a new episode airs. This past Friday, after finishing my classes and getting something to eat, I sat down to watch the latest episode. Now I usually […]

WSRC scholars and students discuss reproductive rights

On March 12, scholars from the Women’s Studies Research Center (WSRC) and students gathered in Liberman Miller Lecture Hall to watch the short film “Roe at Risk: Fighting for Reproductive Justice.” Dr. Shulamit Reinharz, the founder and director of the WSRC, and Dr. Paula Doress-Worters, a scholar from the WSRC, were among the key speakers. […]

State of Sustainability a panel about campus initiatives

The Student Union Senate Sustainability Committee held the first State of Sustainability address, giving environmentally-minded groups and individuals an opportunity to share how they are paving the way for a legacy of environmentalism throughout campus this Tuesday, Mar. 18. A series of speakers—representatives from campus environmental groups, former Chair of the Environmental Studies program Professor […]

Drivers must be more conscientious on Loop Road

It is five minutes until class starts, and you are running toward the Rabb Steps to make it on time. As you try to cross the road to get to the Rabb Steps, a car suddenly speeds through. You are surprised that the driver drove so fast and feel lucky that you are safe and […]

Advocating for a more prudent approach to Crimea situation

A few weeks ago, Brandeis Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) hosted keynote speaker Max Blumenthal, a widely known journalist who recently wrote a book about the state of affairs in Israel. While he spoke about apartheid in Israel, a stone’s throw across the Mediterranean there were different talks of “separateness” occurring. In Ukraine, threats […]