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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.


Vegan vote flawed, nothing but publicity stunt

This editorial board approves of any outside positive publicity for Brandeis. Really—if they have an award ceremony somewhere for Most Peppy Admissions Counselors or if there can be a national headline celebrating Brandeis as the single best of all the schools in the nation with liberal, inaugural Jewish Supreme Court justices as namesakes—that would be […]

The things they requested

They received 1,615 requests and granted $195,647 and 96 cents for regular marathon. And yet the Union’s finance board (F-board) has been the target of much ire since it released allocations for clubs last week. But before laying too much blame on F-board, students should consider what F-board turned down in its decision making process. […]

Room to grow in student life offerings

As Brandeis begins a new strategic planning process, it should prioritize student life improvements just as it does strengthening academic programs and departments. That’s because the difference between Brandeis University and schools ranked 10 to 15 spots higher is not restricted to academics. It is well-known that Brandeis is home to some of the nation’s […]

Shortage of candidates a sign of wasted potential

We believe the Student Union can have a lasting and measurable impact on campus if properly staffed. Several union positions have remained vacant for multiple elections. This apathy for filling these positions is simply a symptom of a much larger problem. Over the past few years, the Union has been filled by too many members […]

The Internet could work, we’ve seen it happen

This board may as well be crafting this editorial under a pre-incandescent bulb while our photo staff work with negatives in the darkroom for all the pride in technological advancement we feel as we publish Brandeis’ community newspaper. We speak of course of the utterly unreliable Internet access on parts of campus; reader, we hope […]

Writing assessment a waste of time

Administrators who have recently introduced the first-year writing assessment would do well to reconsider the scheme. Under new rules, first-years entering Brandeis must complete an online writing assessment, which is timed for most students, in the summer preceding the start of their first classes. These are the same students who braved the writing portion of […]

Time for alcohol policy committee to act

It comes as no surprise that the first two weekends on campus have brought an abundance of underage binge drinking. As first-year students transition into college, they suddenly find themselves living in an environment vastly different from high school. No longer are parents watching every decision and controlling where their kids go to socialize and […]

The case for a more ‘kosher’ debate

Time and again, this editorial board has condemned the acerbic rhetoric that has at times engulfed all sensible discussion of the Israel-Palestine conflict. In April, this newspaper called for a “cease-fire for protests” following disruptions made by students at a campus event with prominent Knesset members. We wrote, “Student leaders and advocates on all sides […]

The dorm damage fees you’ll want to avoid

Remember how clean your dorm room looked last week? Take note. If you don’t want to end up paying Brandeis more than you budgeted, it’s worth keeping your room in its original condition this academic year to avoid paying hefty fees. Even if that means tossing out furniture. According to the department’s website, “To avoid […]

Model community values of Kenwood’s life

At Brandeis Beginnings on Monday, university administrators described the Brandeis family and told students and parents about the university’s most successful alumni, including professional athletes, award-winning writers, musicians and doctors. On Sunday, Michael Kenwood ’94, a volunteer EMT in New Jersey and former director of the Brandeis Emergency Medical Corps (BEMCo) died in an attempted […]