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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.


In the 21st century, be in touch!

Update the home page The Office of Communications finally updated the top content on the Brandeis home page last week, a few months too late. The update is a positive one—community members who have not seen the advice video from the Class of 2011 to the Class of 2015 ought to take a look. But […]

The voices of the class of 2011

Commencement is approaching, and in preparation, seniors voted this week for the senior commencement speech they would most want to hear on their last day at Brandeis. Taken together, the 10 speeches are more than options for the senior class to choose. They are a representation of where the class of 2011 has been, where […]

Be a leader in sexual assault policy

Most students at Brandeis feel safe. And they should. Brandeis is a safe campus filled with multiple departments and community leaders dedicated to protecting student safety. But unfortunately, Brandeis is not immune from the issues of sexual violence and harassment that plague every college and university campus. It would be naive to think that because […]

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor: While The Hoot’s article covering Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s April 13 lecture at Brandeis presented both sides, the accompanying editorial titled, “Don’t let Wakefield go unchallenged,” was completely biased and provided no support for its claims that Wakefield’s work has been discredited” and contains “errors and flaws,” or that he “committed great harm […]

Letters to the editor: on Dr. Wakefield

To the Editor: While The Hoot’s article covering Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s April 13 lecture at Brandeis presented both sides, the accompanying editorial titled, “Don’t let Wakefield go unchallenged,” was completely biased and provided no support for its claims that Wakefield’s work has been “discredited” and contains “errors and flaws,” or that he “committed great harm […]

Demoted department merits praise

Four esteemed faculty members were honored by the university at this week’s faculty meeting and received prestigious awards for mentorship and excellence in teaching. Half of these professors, including those taking home the two most prestigious prizes, belonged to the American Studies program. Last year the American Studies department, which hosts one of the oldest […]

Don’t let Wakefield go unchallenged

Andrew Wakefield has caused great harm through his research, which is filled with fraud and unethical conduct far more than it is with facts. Wakefield has every right to free speech and students at Brandeis have every right to invite him to speak here, regardless of how controversial and discredited his work has become. But […]

Editorial: A cease-fire for protests

As a community that purports to investigate issues thoroughly ‘unto their innermost parts,’ Brandeis should not tolerate the recent rash of protesters who have chosen to disrupt speakers discussing Middle East events. We recognize that tensions run high on this issue, and that’s not a bad thing—after all, we should have a diversity of opinions […]

Editorial: Allow student reps to vote

On April 14, the student body will have a chance to vote on many Student Union positions. Included in those positions are then representatives to the board of trustees. Despite representing the entire undergraduate student body, these representatives will not have a vote in matters discussed by the board. We think that they should. The […]

Editorial: Maintain your first-year enthusiasm

Fred Lawrence has both exceeded and fulfilled the expectations from many in the Brandeis community over the past three months. He has managed to stay connected with both students on campus and friends of Brandeis across the country. The inaugural ceremonies yesterday reflected that spirit, of a president who understands what Brandeis is today and […]