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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.


Letters to the Editor:

I am writing to express my disappointment in the treatment of the issue of our classmates retuning home from their Japan study abroad trips early. Your article was, on the surface, informative. It included quotes from the director of study abroad, as well as the president of the university. It seemed like everyone who had […]


Thursday evening, the esteemed Oxford English Dictionary (OED) admitted three new “words” into its hallowed hardcover: “LOL,” “OMG” and “

Letters to the Editor

Brandeis University Hillel’s recent decision to reject Jewish Voice for Peace’s (JVP) membership application represents the most recent manifestation of a frightening trend permeating the Jewish communities in both Israel and the United States. Judaism has long been committed to freedom of expression and open debate, a tradition dating at least as far back as […]

Editorial: Let’s try for a serious discussion

The Justice League’s effort to engage President Lawrence in a campaign to reform student dining is both misguided and inappropriate. There is a reasonable way to address student concerns and relay them to the administration.It does not include gorillas dancing outside of Usdan and delivering a stack of surveys to the president’s office. If the […]

Letters to the editor: One girl’s story: dealing with suicide at Brandeis

I did not know Kat Sommers but news of her suicide struck a familiar cord with me. There is a history of suicide in my family, from the aunt who committed suicide before I was born to my father’s cousin who killed himself when I was in ninth grade. Whenever someone dies like this I […]

Mardi Gras belongs on Tuesday

The Brandeis community has traditionally prided itself on its long history of tolerance, embodied in a basic pillar of our institution: non-sectarianism. Many Brandeisians, likewise, appreciated this week’s installment, held Wednesday, of Student Events’ outdoor music, free food and coffee offerings outside Usdan, on the main path up to the academic quad and many classes. […]

Editorial: Housing process needs review

Every year March brings a madness to Brandeis completely separate from the NCAA basketball tournament. As students scramble to make sense of their housing lottery numbers, friendships are made with people whose names you barely knew a week before and close friendships are torn to shreds over who makes the cut for a four person […]

Editorials: Making sense of the senseless

As members of the Brandeis community, we are both deeply disturbed and saddened as we mourn the death of Kat Sommers ’14. Death, no matter how sudden or unexpected, is always tragic. But, in the words of university President Fred Lawrence, suicide is “unbelievable” and “literally impossible to take in,” making it that much more […]

Editorial: Why the Rose still matters

This week The Hoot ran a retrospective about the financial state of the university and The Rose Art Museum in honor of the two-year anniversary of then-president Jehuda Reinharz’s announcement that the museum would be closing and that the art would be sold. Two years later, The Rose is open, and no art has been […]

Editorial: Banking unaffordable for students

As Brandeis students, we have quite a bit on our minds. That’s why it’s so easy to overlook the recent increase in student banking fees. In the aftermath of new federal banking regulations, some local banks have decided to raise fees on students. Bank of America no longer offers a student checking account to new […]