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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

The Hoot Report

The Hoot Report: First Issue Edition!

With Adam Hughes, Sahar Massachi, Zachary Aranow, and Bret Matthews.

The Hoot Report: Pennsylvania Primary, Gas Tax, Healthcare

With Adam Hughes, Jon Lange, Zach Aranow, Bret Matthew.

The Hoot Report: Discussing Ferraro’s remarks, another Democratic debate, and the Spitzer scandal

With Stefan Boorst-Censullo, Bret Matthew, Adam Hughes, hosted and edited by Andy Meyers.

The Hoot Report: Is Hillary done?

Is Hillary Done?, McCain’s image, and possible VP candidates. With Jon Lange, Noah Klinger, Danielle Gewurz, Adam Hughes, Bret Matthew, hosted and edited by Andy Meyers.

The Hoot Report: A look at history, New Mexico, and new developments in the ’08 Presidential campaign

*AUDIO* inside post. (39:23)

With Jon Lange, Michael Goldman, Noah Klinger, hosted and edited by Andy Meyers.

The Hoot Report: The Aftermath of Super Tuesday

With Jon Lange, Noah Klinger, Bret Matthew, Stefan Boorst-Censullo, Michael Goldman, and edited and hosted by Andy Meyers.

The Hoot Report

The inaugural round table discussion of the ’08 Presidential elections with Stefan Borst-Censullo, Michael Goldman, Bret Matthew, Jon Lange and Noah Klinger, hosted and edited by Andy Meyers.

Politics Roundtable: The 2008 Election

The 2008 presidential election featuring columnists Bret Matthew and Jon Lange. Edited by Andy Meyers.